Sunday 12 April 2015

Our Posts (or lack of them)

I thought I should post a few notes about our posts!
If you don't see anything for a few days it's not because we've got a problem! We need 2 things to post from my phone - a connection (phone or wifi) & some power remaing in the phone battery. Quite often we no connection.
One difficulty we have is keeping the phones charged. Often we go 3 or 4 days between recharges, so you get a flurry of posts as we try to catch up before going to bed!
We have a fuel cell usb charger with us but it only worked once before packing in.
I have found I can get a days entry in whilst Jos is painting however when we have a phone signal.
It's 9pm so time for bed (Barney's been asleep for ages). Night night!


  1. Totally understand about sporadic posting.
    I'm reading your exploits and enjoying them. Have a great time.

  2. Of course we're reading your posts and thoroughly enjoying them especially when you were around Port Isaac as we had a holiday there once so that stretch of coastline is familiar to us. We quite understand and appreciate the difficulties and limitations of re-charging and connections but we're rooting for you so hang in there. We are so impressed we are telling friends and basking in reflecte glory. Till next time, Fiona.

  3. We all know the problems of mobile blogging. Just keep on enjoying the walk. Love to Barney!

  4. Enjoying catching up with your post 🐾
