Thursday 12 February 2015

Collecting for Charity takes on a life of it's own

I must admit we didn't start out with the intention of making the walks aim raising money for a charity - it still isn't, but this part of the organising does seem to be developing into a challenge in it's own right!
It started simple enough - from two questions:
  1. People keeping asking 'What are we collecting for?'
  2. We ask 'How do we get into pubs when we've got a dog?' (only joking - many pubs are now happy at taking dogs)
Given that we have a history of sight loss in our family, the answer quickly became apparent - collect for Guide Dogs for the Blind!
That was just a start though - further questions arise :
  1. How do we collect money when lightweight backpacking?
  2. Where do people find more details?
  3. People that donate want to know how we're getting on as the walk progresses.
I (Bob speaking) sit in front of computer screens all day - I develop and test software so I don't have much choice! Mobile phones and online access are the last things on my mind when backpacking. It's the simplicity of a day walking to the next place to setup home for the night that's one of the big attractions when out in the wilds. However... this doesn't fit with well with the answers to the questions above. So now, so far, we have :
  1. This blog
  2. Facebook page
  3. Twitter account
  4. Specific email address
  5. JustGiving page for online donations
  6. JustTextGiving facility for mobile donations
  7. Cards printed (above) to be distributed as we go
  8. Charity pack from Guide Dogs for the Blind
  9. Interest from local Guide Dogs for the Blind section
  10. Mobile phone apps to allow updates to be posted as we go
and no doubt a whole lot more before we start - we'll keep you posted!

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