Sunday, 8 February 2015

Land's End to John O'Groats!

We have been planning on doing this for a while and finally commited to it when we bought the train tickets to get us to Penzance last week!
We, by the way are Bob & Jos Mahon along with our dog Barney.

Originally it was for pleasure (???), but we soon found out that almost everybody assumes we're doing it for charity! One thing led to another and Barney is now collecting for Guide Dogs for the Blind (Jos & I are doing it for pleasure - Barney's doing the charity bit!).
The train to Penzance is booked for the 26th March & we have a house sitter taking over Hudsriding for the duration.
The countdown begins...


  1. Hi
    I've just been cantering through your excellent blog. All the best for your walk. I had a fabulous time - it was life-changing for me.
    I've popped your blog on my blog-roll and I'll give it a plug in a few day's time on the blog, twitter & Facebook.

    1. That's brilliant Alan - I followed your one day by day when you did it!
      As I think I hinted, we've had a 'scare' with Barney which needed an operation urgently - he's back to normal now although we're going to take it 'easy' (if that's possible) for the first few days & I'll probably be carrying his load!
      btw - good work with keeping the wind-farm disaster prominent! I have worked in various power industries in the past and we formed our company (Hexatec) in the 80's on the basis of a low power data logger design specifically for wind power in association with a co-operative here in Hexham (Northumbrian Energy Workshop). I'm all for wind power but on a local level - in fact, we have a turbine just up the hill from us, but the problems come with big industry taking over to maximise their profits and nothing to do with saving the planet! Lots I could say about this but that will have to wait until we're back in July!
